Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

The holiday that signals the mad dash to Christmas is almost here. Black Friday looms nearer every day. Tonight I was listening to man who called into K-love, a great Christian radio station I listen to often. Anyway, he was answering a call to hear from someone in every state about his thankfulness. As he rattled off his list, he began to get chocked up about all of his blessings.

Sometimes when I look around the world, its many problems grab prime real estate in my mind. Plenty of people are lost and hurting this holiday season.

If you are one of those, I pray you are able to find some joy and hope in knowing that the creator of the universe, not only created you in love, but longs to fill your heart until it overflows with joy, peace and thankfulness.

My blessings are many this holiday season and truthfully, my burdens are light when I share them with my Jesus.One of my favorite parts of a praise song reminds me that not only do I belong to Jesus, but he, too, belongs to me.

Friday, November 14, 2008


My youngest sister is a temporary guest in our room. She's a college student with a relatively new boyfriend. Her life is a bit different from mine. As a mother of two married for almost 12 years, I seem to lack some of yesterdays' energy.

She's a total neat freak (yes, we all blame our mother for this). She was complaining about how dirty her socks were. Taking it as an insult toward my housekeeping abilities, I gave her my famous big sister stare/glare.

"Yesterday, I had a waffle stuck to my sock," she said. Yes, Jared does help me out by carrying his plate into the kitchen. Sometimes, he gets distracted.

And, my sister has certainly put in enough time helping me out with the constant, losing battle of tidiness at home. Still I think she maybe is being a bit too harsh, and then I remember the other incident.

As I made up the room for her arrival, the boys decided they would sleep in her bed the night before. I didn't even tuck them into the bed as they preferred to use their sleeping bags on top of the quilt. I thought they were finished with their syrup-free bedtime snack of waffles. Apparently, not.

"And don't forget," my sister continued, "the first night I stayed here, I woke up with a waffle stuck to my leg."


No matter which toy was touched, the tears, hitting and wailing filled the room.

She sighed. After a very early morning, she was hoping to stretch the boys' bed time in hopes of a Saturday morning sleep-in. Putting them to bed early did not appeal.

Perhaps showers will calm them down. The youngest earned the first spot by smacking his brother upside the head with a car. After screaming throughout his shower, she is quickly losing home.

Then the drama king enters the scene. A fan of hot showers at 5, the shower does in fact take away the tears. However, the shower does not stop the violence against his brother.

More tears. OK, bedtime has arrived about 45 minutes early. No complaints. No one came out of the bedroom time and time again.

Oh, dear. She should be in bed, not blogging. It's going to be an early morning … for her husband (ha ha).

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Big celebrations this week.

1) No more pull-ups! Our accident rates are way down and we have had many accident-free days since we pulled the plug on the pull-ups about three weeks ago.

2) Jacob has learned to tie his shoes. Victory is ours. He gets lots of practice as I image all beginners do. It has been alleged that I am the only family member who ties her shoes backward. Go figure.