Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

I have been home with my fellas this week, actually I have been with them pretty constantly since Dec. 22, but who is counting.

My mom called me today to ask me if I knew where the lid to her new crockpot was as I was the one who put the crock away. I didn't know where the lid was because I don't think it was on it when I put it away. I hope she found it. We did not talk long because Jacob and Jared were engaged in World War Ten Thousand.

I wish being healthy worked more like child's play. All I would need are pictures or videos of people eating healthy and exercising and I would do whatever it took to have the very same thing, even though it would seem that I am perfectly content to eat crap and shun exercise.

My boys have WAY TOO MANY TOYS. We have enough toys for most of Topeka to have one, but no toy is greater than the one the other brother beholds. I think if one of my sons was playing with dog poo, the other would not be happy until he had the poo. Not some of the poo, or poo of his own, but ALL OF THE POO from his brother.

Why is this? Then Jacob crawled under the desk to hang out while I was trying to do one little thing on the computer. Jared thought it would be fun to crawl under there, too. Apparently, Jacob was trying to push Jared out, but ended up getting his finger bit instead.

By the way, I do have a membership to the gym. I have not gone yet, but I was missing some vital things. I did not have any tennis shoes, and I moved up another size. Geez, even my feet rebel against me. And, as I might see a student of mine, I wanted to wear presentable workout clothes. I have plenty of T-shirts, courtesy of WU athletics, but no non-embarassing bottoms. I am now the proud owner of work out pants. I gave up shorts a few years back, and I didn't see any workout capris.

Now I am ready. For what, I have no idea.

1 comment:

Campbell or @FELTit or Designs by Anna said...

You are ready to customize yourself-one little step at a time, dear friend. I know that you can do it-all you need to do is harness the drive that the Good Lord gave you in other areas of your life, and allow that drive to propel you into healthy living. JUST DO IT as the popular, copywrited, and trademarked slogan says. Give yourself the permission to change your life-you already have everything you need to get there. Go with God, dear friend, go with God.