Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Tonight my dear friend and faithful poster Anna declared to another that I was two weeks behind on my blog. Ha! My last post was Feb. 21. It's only Feb. 28, is it not?

Anyway, I digress. Tonight over a wonderful meal of tacos, my Bible study group got into a spirited discussion of lists and how we use them or fail to use them.

One of the group members feared she would always be mocked from here on out as being a major list-maker. For me to tease her, this would be calling the kettle a bit.

In the last few years, especially with the addition of two boys, I have become increasingly aware of how nuts our culture is. I like lists, but I don't like being a slave to one. There is no such thing as a completed job anymore. The jobs just go on and on and on and on and on.

We all feel the pressure to do more and more each and every day. We need to take a stand!

Speaking of which, I have to run. I should NOT be blogging because I have stack of coursework that absolutely "MUST" be graded tonight.


1 comment:

Campbell or @FELTit or Designs by Anna said...

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!!

That being said, you raise interesting thoughts to this OLD brain of mine: list or not to list, that is the question. And, while I would like to think that making lists would help me to accomplish all that I need/want to accomplish, I've found that the missing link, for me, is not having a list. No, that missing link is discipline.

I know, I know, we BOTH struggle greatly with that one, but you less so than I. And I desperately need to find that discipline, especially now that I've announced to the world that I am going back to school. For me, last nights video during our Bible study hit this nail on the head: Daily surrender to God. If I get out of the way and submit (I know, I don't like the word either, so let's just call it something else-how about Gribnif?) to what God wants for me each day, then I know He will see me through it, every trial along the way.

He didn't say it would be easy-in fact, He said just the opposite-we should find JOY in our trials and tribulations because God is working in us!!

Love you sister from another mister!
