There's a birthday party to attend, and a gift is needed.
Typically a mom's chore, but daddy fills in tonight. The toy section is tempting for any 4-year-old boy and his 2-year-old brother. Though generous to a fault, it's hard to understand why the birthday child and the giver cannot both receive gifts.
A toy is selected. The older brother and the soon-to-be-giver of the toy claims the holding privilege. The youngest waits for his chance and violá, the toy is his.
A lot of parents would not blame this daddy. They have been there in the store with a screaming child. But, two of them is hardly a fair fight.
One toy become three toys, and all are pleased.
Perhaps the brothers continued to torment their father until he, too, had to have a toy for his desk at work. Those naughty boys!
I love the story, and I love that you followed your own class guidelines (as in no "I")!
However... being the stickler that I am, I would like to point out the "two-year-old" portion as not being AP style... and according to 2007 style, it is now "editor-in-chief." Go figure. (Here's to hoping AP will finally catch on to "website.")
See you tomorrow if not before!
Blog again-something new-I'm in need of Cassell family infusions!!!
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