Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lies I have believed

I cannot tell you how many times I have refused to see truth because the lies were so much easier to believe. My new Bible study (see earlier post) has already shown me how important God's word is to be able to distinguish truth from lies. The world promotes all sorts of lies. People lie. Commercials lie. Satan is all about lies.

Here are some of the lies I have believed.

I have believed credit cards are OK as long as you manage them well. Nope. That's a lie that is going to cost me and family for the next few years. Debt is debt is debt. Even if it is only for one month.

I have believed that I am incapable of sticking to a healthy lifestyle. Another lie. God says our bodies are to be holy temples. He will provide the strength for me to prevail, as long as I don't lose sight of Him. (which I have in this area, incidentally)

I can be happy doing things my own way. BIG FAT LIE. I am a created being with a God-given purpose, which is to love and know my God.

I cannot put God first in my life because I am too busy. I have too many things on my list. I am overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of stuff I tell myself I need to do. Another one of the world's lies. Truth: If I put God first, the necessary things will fit in with his grace. Thank God!

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