So today, I pretty much let my kids do whatever they wanted to do. I have very little voice today, not that yelling at them seems to have much of an impact.
Relentless is a good word to describe two boys and a day full of activity. They popped into our room for some quick quality daddy time around 7:15 a.m. He left at 8 a.m. and has yet to return.
I tried to bribe them with TV as I cleaned up the house. Do you know I vacuumed my rug four times today? My mom will be impressed.
I let Jacob have 10 pieces of candy. And he counted it out and kept looking at me like my head would spin around. Jared ate two suckers at once. I tried to make them take naps so I could watch a few episodes of "Gilmore Girls" while I folded the mountain of laundry in peace! I got sick of yelling at them (as best I could) and putting them back to bed, so I finally gave up. (This was before the sugar ironically enough).
Then I decided I would just watch "Gilmore Girls" and let them run wild. I told Jacob if he told on his brother one more time that I was going to give him a second helping of Jared's offense.
Later, though Jared smacked Jacob with the hose to the sweeper, so I returned the favor. I would like to say that Jared stopped hitting Jacob afterward, but he didn't.
I have no idea how stay-at-home mothers endure this kind of abuse day after day.
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