I am pretty sure my pastor does not read my blog, and that is fine by me, especially today.
I am a multi-tasker, so today as I semi-listened to his sermon intro, I began to think about my faith in Jesus and my life in Christ. Our church is on the move and believe movement happens when fellow believers start by living revolutionary lives for Christ. As he marched through his intro, I was thinking about my current Bible school lesson and my women's Bible study. On a tear of some kind, I began rewriting some of my notes.
As he approached the meat of today's sermon, I did check in and gather the highlights. In case he does read my blog, today's sermon was from Joshua 24 and pastor calls this chapter a call to rededication. Joshua is addressing Israel and imploring the people to embrace God fully — heart, mind and soul (my words, not his). He goes on to suggest that he would rather they choose God completely or at least be honest about who they will choose to serve. In other words, if they won't agree to his terms, just say so and move on. Note that this is not what he desires for them at all.
As soon as we got there, I was really excited because it matches up so closely with the various verses I am trying to memorize for my other study. So, I began writing out each of the verses in my new notebook I have placed in my Bible bag.
I finished writing them all out as I sat in the bathroom while my youngest was in the tub. He's only 2, but as I read each of these verses aloud to him after I had scribbled them down, he locked his sweet baby blue eyes on my face and gave me his complete attention each and every time. Then he would give me a big grin and continue splashing around in the tub.
Just wait until he can understand what these words mean.
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