I often wonder how often I repeat blog titles. This post is very random, very end of the week, very much a post of one tired mom.
Sometimes I love typing a blog for the mere fact that it reminds of me of scenes from one of my favorite movies of all time. "You've Got Mail." I love this movie. I love the e-mails that go back and fourth. I love the story. I love the soundtrack. It's all good. I have big parts of it memorized even. Thinking of the movie makes me smile, and I need to smile more.
I'm tired. It's been a long week. A long semester, only three weeks in. How does a person who is behind EVER catch up? Can anyone answer this question? If you fall behind once in your life, are you just screwed for life? I mean does life actually deliver the lulls we say we desire?
My house is a mess. Mostly because the task of getting it organized all at once seems daunting.
I spent a good part of "my time" last night cleaning the front room. Tonight my son Jared spent a good part of "his time" reversing any progress.
I try to exercise. I start out fine, then I lapse. I usually get sick (someone says because being healthy helps your body expel all sorts of bad stuff from your body, which can make it icky in the process. -- another reason to jump on the treadmill).
Being healthy is just too damned trendy for me. I can't even buy a pair of shoes for heaven's sake. AND I AM TIRED OF BREATHING and expecting the world to just flutter into its place around me.
And money. I suck at money. I have been credit-card free for practically one year (come October). Shocking for this former addict (see former posts, geez). Wish the debt were gone. Wish a FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION did not cost so much. Wish I learned my lesson about money the first eight billion times I screwed it up.
Are you still reading this? Seriously? I need to go to bed. aauuggh.