So I skipped my Bible study last night to go to the store and bring home food for the family and to watch the VP debate. A friend of mine said my penalty was a post. I would have gotten to it sooner, but I was out buying a gigantic BOX. (another story entirely)
As I am sure most people have heard, neither one of them fell on their face. Both had good points and bad points. Sarah Palin called John McCain a maverick in the Senate about 100 times too many, so my favorite point in the debate was when Joe Biden listed in fine form all the ways and times that McCain was not in fact a maverick. He had some good points.
Palin wants to hit Obama on the surge, the war and taxes. She does not do a great job of getting their new and fresh ideas out there, if they exist.
It's always hard to pull out the "pretty talk" from the facts. If you simply pick who sounds better, there is no choice but Obama. I've yet to see McCain come close to his poise. I hated the first debate. It did not seem like either one of them said anything useful. It was a contest to see who could not answer the most questions in a straight manner. We all lost this one.
The VPs were a bit more fourthcoming, but spent too much time arguing over voting records that without the full bills in front of us are not overly useful either. Palin did a good job of trying to force Biden to agree that he has things in common with McCain. But, Biden did a good job of convincing me that McCain might look a little too much like Bush.
I am not ready to put a bumper sticker for either candidate on my car, but if the election were today . . . I would vote for Obama.