Wednesday, August 23, 2006


A good friend of mine made me read this book this summer called "Eat That Frog." The author Brian Tracy advertises it as a guide to overcome procrastination, but I'm not sold on that description of the book.

He many asks the reader to consider what things are most important and make a plan to work on those things each day.

He has a couple of great quotes in the book, including: "You can get your time and your life under control only to the degree to which you discontinue lower value activities."

Also, "The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter the least."

Hmm, I wonder if spending time blogging falls into a category of wasted time? I sure hope not.

At any rate, it's a fantastic little book that offers some very practical and helpful solutions to point your life in the right direction.

1 comment:

Regina Cassell said...

One assignment the book asks is for the user to make a list of goals for the next year. He advises you to put them in present tense as though you've already accomplished them.

I decided I'd like to share my list:

1) I have researched doctorate programs for my interest.

2) I have reached my target weight.

3) I have started writing one of the many books that are in my head.

4) I am not frantic most of the time.

5) My classes totally rock!

6) I have started working on an academic paper.

7) I have completed a few quality Bible studies.

Now, the trick is settling on one of these goals and going full speed ahead until it's reached. Yes, only one at a time for maximum productivity.

More on this experiment as I select the goal.