Saturday, February 09, 2008


This past Sunday my husband and I decided to "fast" from the television for one whole week.

The ban was family-wide, and we had explained to Jacob that sometimes God asks us to do things and we have to be obedient to him. I told him we wanted to spend more time as a family, thinking of our blessings and what God has planned for us. He was agreeable and has not asked to watch TV all week.

We began this journey Monday, not knowing Wednesday would bring a snow day and a day home in the middle of the week. Instead of watching movies, we constructed blanket forts in the living room.

On Friday night we had some friends come over for dinner. Jacob was eager to greet our guests, so he yelled "Hi!" from the front porch. And then, "We can't watch TV because we are thinking about God."

I love my son so much, and I realized that if you ever really want to keep a promise you've made, tell a preschooler because there is no going back.

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