Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Silence creeps over her house as she has sent its occupants to bed. A mile a work looms before her, but focus will not come.

The day's frustrations along with an unyielding schedule and various life crises seem to circle her mind like a vulture looking for its victim, finding only her mind.

Slipping away, she thinks of her boys and her husband. Tries to count her many blessings.

Taking a deep breath, she reaches for her Bible study. Work will wait. God knows what she needs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A mind is a vulnerable space, open to attack from all sides. Sometimes just a thought can short circuit the whole system. But in a flicker, peace is restored as she remembers her mother's unending love, and the unconditional love of her heavenly Father. Waiting anxiously for peace to come , may God grant this here too. xoxoxoxoxoxo Momma