Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Monthly post, barely

If God did not want me to blog, he would not have given me Jacob and Jared. Today has been full of those "special" moments.

This a.m. Jacob and I were the first ones awake and were enjoying some time together in the kitchen. I was really enjoying the special time we were having, but how quickly things can change.

Enter the youngest son and suddenly Jacob's cheery mood and attitude has left us, easily discerned by the shove he gave Jared.

A few moments of sibling junk goes down and Jared goes off to chase something shiny.

Me to Jacob: "What happened to my sweet little boy I was spending time with this morning."

Jacob: "Well, it's your other little child that ruined it. He's been scratching me all morning."

Me: "I've been watching you the whole time, and you are the one who is being mean."

Jacob responds that basically it's his duty to do it.

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