Thursday, August 06, 2009

Baby Grace

My uncle and his wife had a beautiful seven-pound baby girl this week. Her name is Grace. Grace was born and originally diagnosed with a condition called osteogenesis imperfecta

This dear baby girl has multiple broken bones and an uncertain prognosis as doctors try to manage her pain and promote healing. Her parents are overwhelmed with love for this baby girl and full of fear and anxiety.

The doctors do not know exactly what is wrong now because it is something they have not seen before. Her case is being studied by doctors at this time.

I am not sure how to conduct business as usual with the mental photo of baby Grace in my mind. I love God and believe he has the perfect plan, a plan that I cannot understand, of course.

Friends, I covet your prayers and support for my uncle and his wife. Pray for wisdom, protection and the meeting of needs for this family. Pray that they will feel the enveloping and real love of our Holy God each and every day.

Thank you, dear friends.

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