Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I know I am a great mom, but the daily dose of tears from my little blue-eyed boy as I leave him at preschool is killing me. Finally, I pry myself loose, telling him I have to get his big brother to school on time.

Sliding behind the wheel, I remark to Jacob. "It's a crazy life."

"Who's crazy? Me or you?"

Laughing, I tell him it's most definitely me.

"If I was going to preschool and I saw those poptarts in the lunchroom, I would give you a hug and go get me a poptart. I don't know why Jared was so upset."

OK, so maybe all great moms compete with pop tarts?

1 comment:

Campbell or @FELTit or Designs by Anna said...

Hmmm...so what would make JARED want to go inside and eat?? Obviously Poptarts do the trick for Jacob....might have to wrangle up a stick with a string to hang out in front of the little guy so encourage him to leave the car and head into preschool!!

Miss Anna