Tuesday, December 26, 2006


My fellas (the big one, too)and I received so many wonderful things this Christmas.

With Jared being sick, we have not been able to travel the I-70 path as planned, but we have been blessed with two days at home. Sleeping in, watching the boys completely destroy every clean nook and cranny in the house and playing a few games of go fish. Jacob does not quite get the concept as he proudly announces each and every card he happens to draw from the pile. Hey, it's a break from Candyland at any rate.

As I was picking up toys (almost as frequently as I find myself doing laundry), I wondered how two little boys need so much stuff. And, we have one more present stop.

My husband was a very naughty boy this year and bought me something he should not have. Watch for more photos this year as I perfect my technique with my new digital toy.

My mom, clever as always, manages to shop better for me than I do. (sigh) And, I really loved the photo plaque my sister Bobbie made me and my new scarf from my sister Rikki.

Jacob "loves" everything and has spent two days really checking out his gifts. We got him a kid-proof digital camera, and Gene has had to download the pics twice (it holds around 70) This morning he says to me, "I am going to take a picture of this mess!"

Thanks, Jake. Mom and Dad found him a Diego doll, which he has talked too all day long.

"Santa" brought the boys a little people pirate ship and more mega blocks. Aunt Jenny, Jason and Avery also added to mega block stockpile. Jacob loves to build stuff with Gene and I though. He prefers not to play with little destructo (aka Jared).

Well, I fear I am rambling, so I will close for now.

1 comment:

Derrick said...

Guess who's posting on your lovely 'blog? Well, he's from Baltimore, he hasn't seen you in years, and he just received a guilt-inducing Christmas card from you, forcing him to respond to your correspondence immediately. Oh, you know who it is.

First of all, I loved the letter and the card. Your children are ridiculously adorable. I see Jacob is responding to the cloning process rather swimmingly. He's an exact replica of his father. Jared still needs work -- I still see too much of you in the little tike. Ah, but he's precious none-the-less.

I'm happy to read that you had a wonderful Christmas, filled with happiness and presents. I'm curious as to that toy that Gene "shouldn't have bought" for you. You know, a rather perverted person could interpret that "toy" as being something naughty in nature. Good thing I'm not one of those people.

And if you're wondering: No, I don't have a 'blog. I don't have a MySpace or a Facebook or a Friendster or any of that. Not that I'm an old coot -- though I'm still in the hammer-and-chisel industry of newspapers. I guess I'd just rather live an undocumented life of mystery. OK, I'm lazy, all right? I'm just plain L-A-Z-Y. Whew! This typing is wearing my out.
