Tuesday, December 05, 2006

You get what you get …

and you don't throw a fit.

Apparently, this little mantra is one that my son hears a lot at preschool. He says it quite often at home, partly because he has realized it gives me a laugh.

I am beginning to think a lot of grownups, myself included, could benefit from this advice. Life happens to all of us, and some of us take it in much better stride.

Oftentimes, the things we whine and complain the most about are not even things out of our own control. We make choices each and every day that come with these little things called consequences.

Take for example the student who fails to plan properly and then is going hyper crazy at the end of the semester. Every student has a way of claiming that every professor thinks his or her class is the only one a student takes. Give me a break. Most professors make the class requirements clear at the beginning of the semester.

If you have a week when everything is due, here's an idea. Start on something EARLIER.

It's true. I have reached the point in the semester where I no longer find myself sympathetic to the endless barage of pitiful excuses I recieve from the masses.

When it comes time to enter those final grades, dear students, just remember, "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!"