Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Prayer

I have had a good week, and I feel very blessed this week. However, some of my friends are having a tough week. If they happen to read my blog, they should know that I am praying for them. My heart reminds me throughout the day to lift them up in prayer. As some are fond of saying: "Prayer, it's the most and least a person can do." Another friend of mine always used to sign his e-mails "pray or be prey."

A regular prayer life is not an easy thing. In fact, living a Christian lifestyle is not an easy thing. It's a tough task, like any other lifestyle, that demands discipline, action when you don't "feel" like it and lots of faith.

Our pastor talked about faith this past Sunday, so I suppose it's been on my mind. I want to be known for my faith. Not because I am able to talk about it (I can talk about anything), but because I am living it each and every day.

One thing I've recently learned in a deeper way is how to respond to our failings as we live out our sinful lives. God forgives our sins if we are truly sorry ourselves, so we really need to work on forgiving ourselves and allowing ourselves to grow in spite of past decisions. Yes, we do have consequences for our actions, but with God, there is no such thing as a hopeless situation.

Friends, I love you. Please know that you are in my prayers. If you have no idea what any of this e-mail means, I would love to share my personal savior with you.

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