Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just ask Jesus

Our Wednesday was a bit hectic, and I had a meeting at 8:15 a.m. I had pushed Gene out the door to go exercise, so I was in charge of the morning chaos at home this morning. I always feel extra thankful for the help I get daily from my husband, but today I was a bit aggravated at him.

I am a creature of habit, perhaps even obsessive habits. One habit I have is hanging up the coats in the coat closet. Gene prefers to hang Jacob's coat on the vacuum sweeper, which is housed in said closet. Generally, Jared's coat is near there, but today it was placed on the top shelf of the closet.

I was a tad frantic already, running late and now aggravated at Gene. I was looking everywhere for the coat and getting more stressed by the second.

Jacob, bless his heart, says, "Mommy, we can ask Jesus. He knows where everything is."

That certainly caught my attention.

"Yes, I thinking asking Jesus is a great idea, Jacob," I said as I glanced up into the closet and saw the coat.