Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I hate doing the dishes

I really, really really hate doing the dishes. I have a wonderful husband who actually washes more dishes than I do.

Tonight is Valentine's, and I am blogging. Things I am not currently doing: putting clothes in the dryer and adding a load of towels to washer; the dishes; my new Beth Moore Bible study, which is awesome; finding our bed, which is covered in clothes, toys, etc.; grading or cleaning up toys.

I did manage to make dinner tonight for the fellas. Had to remove all of Jacob's toys from his room because he was warned about making bad choices at preschool and informed of the consequence. I told him that his bad choices were making lots of work for me. He just cried harder. Yesterday, he was naughty enough to warrant a note home to his parents. Well, the little sneak decided to pull the note out of his box while no one was watching and throw it away.

We did play with playdough tonight. Yes, I have evolved as a mother. I now allow my children to play with the dreaded substance. It wasn't in his room, so it did not qualify for banishment to the garage.

That's my lonely rant. My hubby is at NWMSU without me for work. I teach until 5 p.m. Wednesdays or I would have happily tagged along with him. I miss going with him to games sometimes. Mostly I just miss him. I could care less about sports.

1 comment:

Campbell or @FELTit or Designs by Anna said...

You should have just brought yourself and your children to church last night and enjoyed the evening with Miss Anna or Pastor Casey and the gang-although I think the group in Miss Anna's room had more fun-we made edible fishing lures out of candy and marshmallows. Lots more fun that playdough!