Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monthly madness

So, I had a wellness coaching session Monday. It went well, but I am already doubting my ability to stick with a plan that is to my betterment.

After watching a bit of Bridget Jones for the second time in three days, damn cable tv to hell, I find myself identifying with Ms. Jones.

Oh, I've got some of the equation right. I have a fantastic husband and two great boys. I have a job I love as well. It's just ME that I seem to have a problem with.

I do not desire to be a super model. OK, I have "accepted" the fact that I am no super model. I mean, who would turn down super-model-dom? Surely, not me.

At any rate, Ms. Jones constantly resolves to do better in a few key areas and then battles herself as she attempts to stay within the limits she has for herself.

I eat crap. I gain weight like crazy. I hate shopping for clothes because it only illustrates how completely unsuccesful I am at losing weight and I totally lack fashion sense.

The coach asked me a lot of questions that got me thinking. One stands out. She asked me what benefits I got from eating at McDonald's. Huh? Benefit? Well, she said there had to be one or I wouldn't do it. Hmph!

I really want to lose weight as the result of living a healthier lifestyle. Mostly because I want to be a good role model for my boys, and I don't want them to find me to be an embarrasment either. And, I don't want them to have to struggle with food choices forever.

A friend of mine argues that motivation, self-control and discipline are pretty close concepts. Ha! Not to me. They might as well be an ocean away from each other.

At the result of this meeting, I did make some goals, which I shall share. I'll keep you posted.

By the end of February, I Regina Anne (yes, note the 'e' at the end) will be exercising two days a week (specifically in the a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays), drinking (would be lots more fun to stop here) 62 ounces of water seven days a week and limiting my eating out at lunch to two times per month.

But, by the of one week, which ends Nov. 28, I was to become an SRWC member (check!) and drink 32 oz. of water for at least 5 of the 7 days (let's see, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Oooh, I can still make this one, too!)

She also said that one should keep the number 3,200 in mind. That's roughly 100 calories a day to a pound. Decrease 100 calories and lose 1 pound in a month. Or eat the same amount and increase burning of 100 calories (yes, this would be exercise. She said walking about a mile would do this.)

Think about it, you eat four Hershey's kisses, about 100 calories, and it takes 1 mile to burn it off? Hmm. How does that work out with time? If you are slow and do a 10 minute mile, that would be 10 minutes to work off 10 seconds of eating. NOT FAIR. NOT FAIR. NOT FAIR. NOT FAIR. Tantrum is over, on to writing on my novel.

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