Thursday, December 31, 2009
E-mail and distractions
Yeah! I have no messages in my work e-mail account presently. Hooray for me. Why is plowing through my e-mail such a big accomplishment (sad day). Jacob was awake until 11 p.m. tonight. It's 2:27 a.m., and yet my husband is still not home. I hate basketball season. I hate road trips. Tomorrow, we are going to have at least one grouchy child and two parents who did not go to bed. Great way to end the year.
Augh! Anyway, I am going to be productive next week. Tonight was part of laying the ground work. Don't e-mail me unless it's crucial. My mom used to tell us not to call her at work unless we were bleeding. I need one of you clever word people to come up with a similar phrase that would address e-mail usage.
And, no, I did not get my journal finished. I have 26 pages to go.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas cards and other holiday jazz
As I spend the week home with my two boys, I am surrounded by a seriously messy house and plenty of "Christmas" that still needs to find a home. I have also decided that I want to start the new year, armed with a new journal. I am 29 pages away from finishing the one I began Aug. 18, 2007. The first sentence Jared utters every morning is "Can we play on the Wii? Please?! Please?! I be nice. We not fight today. Promise (bat big blue eyes and look at mom)."
I have two or three or maybe five journals in que, just waiting for me to write the staggering details of my life journey (lol). My grand plan for the day is to lug the boys to the Public Library to hang out in the kid section while I work on writing and picking up another book to read.
I highly, highly, highly recommend reading "Traveling With Pomegranates" by Sue Monk Kidd and Ann Kidd Taylor. I return in search of another one of Sue's book. I am going to try to stay away from's one click shopping (at least until February!)
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Grading and Grace
Call me nuts, but I don't know how to teach writing without making students write themselves silly while reading some outstanding writing samples for good measure.
I see the progress as I move through their final portfolios. I hope they realize the growth after they stop throwing darts at my picture.
During my college career, I fell down at the altar of the mighty GPA. As a faculty member, I find myself wanting to help students as much as I can. On the other hand, I find it extremely annoying to lend a helping hand when the student clearly has not met me halfway. It's always such a balancing game.
In the end, I wish that judging writing, dedication and true appreciation of learning was more clear cut. But then again, I am positively thrilled when a struggling hard worker produces prose that almost takes my breath away.
Equal Rights
I was wondering if faculty should not have these same perks. What about a Web site that accepted files that needed to be graded? That would be awesome.
Then as I traveled down the hall to pop a bag of microwave popcorn, I saw a schedule of events from last week, aimed to help students cope with the stress of finals. Well, I felt pretty stressed today. Where are the faculty activities?
Friday, December 11, 2009
easy thank you for the military
If you go to this web site,, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq.
You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the Armed Services.
How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one! It is FREE and it only takes a second. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these?
Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them. This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you.
Thanks for taking to time to support our military!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
One class practically in the books
Tomorrow, I'll hopefully knock out internships. Then, I'll leave the most time-intensive and grueling for the weekend and Monday. With grades due at 10 a.m. Tuesday, it's quite risky to leave things until then.
More good news. Everyone in the class earned a passing grade in senior seminar with the majority of students bringing home As if my cursory scan is correct.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
I hate e-mail, la la la
So, I didn't do some things (like I need one more thing)
Some people might be wondering if I'm in a coma (I'm not)
Others might wonder why I'm blogging so much today. (Funny story. I have lots of blogs, and I have been working on updating them, too. I also set up my iphone as a blogging device. Now, I can blog directly from my phone. My only complaint is that it does not put a title on the post, and I like titles.)
It posts pics from my phone, too, but it takes forever.
mini update: day three -- no Coke. I can totally do this : O )
Add another card to the list
What a clever idea!
Yes, Christmas cards. This is coming early so that you can get ready to include an important address to your list.
Want to have some fun this CHRISTMAS? Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD this year.
As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTMAS part of this holiday, we should all send them a nice, CHRISTIAN card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world..
Make sure it says "Merry Christmas" on it.
Here's the address, just don't be rude or crude. (It's not the Christian way, you know.)
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York , NY 10004
Two tons of Christmas cards would freeze their operations because they wouldn't know if any were regular mail containing contributions. So spend 44 cents and tell the ACLU to leave Christmas alone. Also tell them that there is no such thing as a " Holiday Tree". . . It's always been called a CHRISTMAS TREE!
For those of you who aren't aware of them, the ACLU, (the American Civil Liberties Union) is the one suing the U.S. Government to take God, Christmas or anything Christian away from view. Help put Christ back in Christmas!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Grading, sick kiddo and other musings
It is the last week of classes (seems surreal to me). And, as usual, I have a bit of grading to to do.
The extended break might have worked out for this purpose except that some six odd years ago, Gene and I decided to become parents. Between cooking Thanksgiving dinner and somewhat cleaning it up, hanging out with family and then doing a long list of household/Christmas to-dos on Saturday, my weekend was GONE before I blinked.
At some point in the weekend, I have made another one of my famous declarations. I am DONE with soda for awhile. Gene and I are seeing who can hold out the longest, which may end up being a small mistake.
Well, back to grading. Oh, and it seems I've sort of become a Pampered Chef consultant again. Anyone need any great gifts for the holidays?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
free holiday babysitting for kids 3-sixth grade
Covenant Baptist Church is providing FREE childcare so parents within the Topeka community can go Christmas shopping. The event will be Sunday, Dec. 6, 2-5 p.m.
Children, ages 3-sixth grade, will do crafts, make and wrap presents to put under the family tree, and will
hear the Christmas story.
This event is by reservation only to ensure we have enough volunteers. Call the church to sign up today, 273-2811, or contact Annette at church @
Covenant is located at 5440 SW 37th St.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sliding behind the wheel, I remark to Jacob. "It's a crazy life."
"Who's crazy? Me or you?"
Laughing, I tell him it's most definitely me.
"If I was going to preschool and I saw those poptarts in the lunchroom, I would give you a hug and go get me a poptart. I don't know why Jared was so upset."
OK, so maybe all great moms compete with pop tarts?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy Birthday to me! has not failed me yet. Today, after lunch, a new book arrived on my doorstep. A birthday present to myself. Yeah! It's another Yada Yada book, the second book of the second series. Yeah.
Now you can probably guess the confession part. Jacob is not nearly as demanding as Jared when he is sick. He has watched TV, played on the computer, wrote his teacher a thank-you note for his shenangins in the boys bathroom and is now reading a book as part of his daily 20-minute reading requirement.
Let's just say that I've more than satisfied my daily reading requirement, and I am shocked to learn that it is 2 p.m.!
Yo-Yo's and Fevers
Things moved right along and we eagerly awaited the special guest. Enter Salina native, Brent Dellinger, yo-yo extraordinaire. His tricks were quite impressive, and I was amazed more than once at what this 21 year old could make a yo-yo do. At some point, I began to tire of the tricks, perhaps after the plug for a $17 yo-yo. Or perhaps as Jared grew increasingly impatient next to me. I clapped happily at the end and was still naive to think I might exit the church with some dignity.
My boys go to bed at 8 p.m., sometimes it is 8:05 p.m. It is never 8:41 p.m. As we prepare to leave, Jared launches into his killer fit routine. My purse is heavy as it contains my camera and various other junk, but still I manage to scoop up the fireball and attempt the long journey to the car.
He does not go quietly into the night. Threats do not work. Pressure on his behind does not work. He kicks, punches, contorts and screams. I consider my options as I encourage Jacob to pay attention to the various cars leaving the parking lot. I practically drop Jared on the sidewalk and remark that he can just stay here if he chooses. Cue the sorrowful crying. OK, now maybe he will allow me to carry him in a somewhat calm matter. Ha! The little con artist resumed his torrential fit the moment I scooped him back up.
Looking back, I realize an important truth. That 8 p.m. bedtime is as much for me as it is for them. Jared is DONE. I am rapidly getting there. He requires a quick spank before he will sit up properly in his car seat. He avenges this by screaming at the top of his lungs for the entire trip home. I am surprised the glass in the car windows survive his pitch.
I am tired. My head is pounding. I am losing any commitment I might have held previously to motherhood. Enter Gene (thank you Lady Blues for winning quick!). As Gene steps into the hot seat, I fold the laundry on our bed at a feverish pace as I try to regain a piece of sanity.
This morning, Jacob comes into our room a bit before 7 a.m; he's had a bad dream. As he slides next to me, I realize immediately, as most mothers do, that my baby has a fever. But, I make Gene get up and confirm it anyway. After all, it is my birthday.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Chili anyone?
Sunday, Nov. 8: Chili fundraiser
Cost $7
It will be at the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge, 2649 SE 45th, 11:30-2 p.m.
If you want to go, call REGINA or e-mail regina.cassell@ I am supposed to turn in orders Wednesday (Oct. 21), but I am running behind as usual.
Come have chili with the Cassells. We will head over right after church.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Fall (not spring) break
I FINALLY did the dishes with some help from Gene, and I did a mountain of laundry and/or drawer switching as we prepare for cooler temps. I helped a friend out and added a couple of kiddos to my own two, took all four boys to Jacob's flag football game and froze while my 6-year-old ran around the field shivering. Then I met another friend and added her two boys to my four at Chuck-E-Cheese for lunch and some easy child entertainment (all such things exact their price, but we did have a nice visit anyway)
I'll leave you with this plea for parental support.
Me: "Jacob, find your coat and put it on. It's cold outside."
Jacob: "I am wearing long-sleeves."
Me: "I know, but you still need a coat."
Jacob (now yelling). "Only DUMB people wear a coat with long-sleeve shirts, AND I AM NOT DUMB."
As I conduct my own evaluation of his behavior, I am thinking it is going to be a long Kansas winter. Then later at church our pastor preached a very powerful message on the importance of prayer and the right kind of prayer. I wonder what kind of prayer long-sleeves fall under.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
No soccer mom gene
Not only do I dislike sports, playing sports and heaven forbid, hearing about sports, but I also dislike kids sports. Even when my own kid is playing, so it seems.
I keep waiting for that magic mom moment when the planets align and the love of sports descends upon me. (Gene might be waiting for this also) Until then, I guess I'm just an old grouch who hates yet another intrusion on the weekend.
Good Deeds
At the end of last year, I said I would be happy to record some books for my son's at the time kindergarten teacher (things went well and he's now in first grade). So, I have these 12 books all summer long. I see them every week or so and of course, feel guilt.
So night before last I decide I am going to knock out this project. I can read. I read hundreds of books to my kids, so I think I'm the one for the job. First, I hunt around for a microphone for the computer that I know I've seen in the last five years. After 15 minutes of poking around in the garage, my husband wonders what exactly I'm doing.
I tell him and he informs me that the microphone was an old way, no longer compatible with our Mac. "Good grief," I say. "Can I ever get a break?"
So he suggests using my iphone and recording the books using the handy-dandy voice memo application. Sure. It does, in fact, work, so I have my first four minute book recorded.
I think I can easily e-mail the file to my computer. Ha! It's too large. I try dividing it up multiple ways, but I just can't get it. Back this summer, my first iphone was stolen, and I have not exactly been good about getting my new one all in one spot. I did not want to synch my phone because that allows my computer's junk to go to my phone, but it erases my phone. What kind of dumb, backward idea is this? I mean seriously. By the way, this is the next day and I have now spent a good chunk of time on this project (and yes, I have PILES of other things I should be doing). I am angry and getting less reasonable as time goes on.
Wow! This rant has some length, but I don't care. In the end, my usual go-to guy is not much help (sorry, Gene). However, I ended up texting an iphone/Mac junkie who comes to my classes every now and again and makes fun of my blogs. Turns out, he had the perfect solution. So I stayed up until midnight recording the rest of the books.
And, I wonder why I was grouchy today when my kids were super obnoxious and all-out naughty as they battled (literally) for about 20 minutes in the backseat. Thankfully, my sister came to save me. The hour escape really helped, but I think my kids half-worried whether I was coming back.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
funny, funny e-mail joke
From the diary of a Pre-School Teacher
My five-year old students are learning to read.
Yesterday one of them pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said,

I took a deep breath, then asked...."What did you call it?"
"It's a frickin' elephant! It says so on the picture!"
And so it does...


" A f r i c a n Elephant "
Monday, September 07, 2009
Making the rounds
As the wife of a man who works sports for a living, I view free Saturdays a bit differently than the 9 to 5, Monday through Friday folks. So, I decided it would be a good idea to traipse all over Missouri to see my family on Saturday after accomplishing a few chores at home first.
We saw grandma in the nursing home along with my parents and grandma's sisters. Then we headed up the road to meet a new cousins new baby girl, Isabel. Stopped by to see grandpa and headed back to St. Joe for dinner with my parents.
Then I thought we really should head over to Gene's stomping grounds as well. We went to church Sunday and headed up I-70 to Marshall, Mo., Sunday afternoon. I drove (and sinned) all the way there. For those of you who don't know, failure to obey the posted speed limit is a SIN (boo!)
Knowing our boys are 4 and 6 and hate being in the car, some might call us insane. But, if we don't spend time with our families, how will our kids convince everyone that we are related to that we totally suck at parenting? We stopped on the way home and had dinner at Taco Bueno. Our oldest was pleasant. Jared was sleepy and insisted on sitting on my lap, but he sat down and ate. Knowing once we arrived at home, it would be quick showers and bed, I was glad to spend the positive time with the boys.
Most of the weekend, Gene and I took turns being on the edge of crazy as they fought, showed incredibly rude versions of their sweet selves, out and out defied any request we made and terrorized everyone at the dinner table.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Gorgeous Kansas Day
As I walked back to my office, I was thinking there could not be a more perfect day. The sun is shining, perfect white fluffy clouds adorn the blue, blue sky.
And the temperature is just right, too.
Thanks, God.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Baby Grace Funeral
ROSENDALE, Mo. — Grace Etta Gayle Edwards, 10 days old, Rosendale, went to heaven Aug. 13, 2009, at Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Mo.
Grace was born Aug. 3, 2009, in Kansas City, the daughter of Mark and Jessica (Collins) Edwards, Rosendale, who survive of the home.
She was preceded in death by her grandmother, Lorene Edwards.
Additional survivors: brother, Kolton Edwards; grandparents, Richard Collins, Donna (Tony) Bootka; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.
Service: 10 a.m. Tuesday, Meierhoffer Funeral Home & Crematory, St. Joseph.
Interment: Bennett Lane Cemetery.
Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Meierhoffer Funeral Home & Crematory, St. Joseph.
Memorial donations may be made to the Grace Edwards Memorial Fund c/o Mercantile Bank.
Online guestbook and obituary at
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Baby Grace died
My new favorite song
Among The Thirsty - I'd Need A Savior
From the album Wonder
"How many names can I use to explain the love of my Jesus,
the life that he gave and so many times will I praise you today.
I lift up my life ‘cause you’re always the same
And my offering to you I bring
Your name is Jesus. Your name is Jesus.
You’re the Wonderful, Counselor, my Friend.
You’re what I hold on to; I know that you brought me through
All the days of loss, to the cross you knew
I’d need a Savior.
How many songs can I sing to proclaim your wondrous love and beauty so great?
What would I say if you brought down the rain and everyday
I walk through the pain my heart would still say…
You’re what I hold on to; I know that you brought me through
All the days of loss, to the cross you knew
I’d need a Savior.
I’d need a Savior
I need you, Savior"
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
First day of First Grade











Another school year has started. And, no, it's not chilly in Kansas today, but apparently Jared is cold. Jake changed his mind about what he was wearing today about six times. By now, he is in his classroom, sitting at his little desk (I hope). Jared returned to preschool full time Monday, so we are slowly getting back on schedule.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Baby Grace
This dear baby girl has multiple broken bones and an uncertain prognosis as doctors try to manage her pain and promote healing. Her parents are overwhelmed with love for this baby girl and full of fear and anxiety.
The doctors do not know exactly what is wrong now because it is something they have not seen before. Her case is being studied by doctors at this time.
I am not sure how to conduct business as usual with the mental photo of baby Grace in my mind. I love God and believe he has the perfect plan, a plan that I cannot understand, of course.
Friends, I covet your prayers and support for my uncle and his wife. Pray for wisdom, protection and the meeting of needs for this family. Pray that they will feel the enveloping and real love of our Holy God each and every day.
Thank you, dear friends.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Jared's day
In addition to that, he was calling his friends stupid and hitting. aauuggh!
So, we talked tonight while Jacob was in the shower about not peeing outside. Then I remembered the sage advice of telling them what they are supposed to do, not what they should not do. After I am satisfied that he knows we go potty in the BATHROOM, we move on to language.
Me: "Jared, we say nice things. Like pretty." (OK, so I was not prepared and pretty was the first nice thing that popped into my head.
Jared. "I not pretty. I am a boy. Boys not pretty."
Me: "Oh."
Jared: "I don't like pink. I like blue. I like red." (apparently pretty = pink in Jared's economy.)
Me: "Well, you can tell your friends at school who are girls that they are pretty."
Jared: "Kyra my friend. I not call her stupid. Nice things."
I swear. Those books do not cover things like this!
Monthly post, barely
This a.m. Jacob and I were the first ones awake and were enjoying some time together in the kitchen. I was really enjoying the special time we were having, but how quickly things can change.
Enter the youngest son and suddenly Jacob's cheery mood and attitude has left us, easily discerned by the shove he gave Jared.
A few moments of sibling junk goes down and Jared goes off to chase something shiny.
Me to Jacob: "What happened to my sweet little boy I was spending time with this morning."
Jacob: "Well, it's your other little child that ruined it. He's been scratching me all morning."
Me: "I've been watching you the whole time, and you are the one who is being mean."
Jacob responds that basically it's his duty to do it.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Dear blog,
Remember the "Just say no!" campaign? Well, I never got the chance to say "no" to drugs because no one ever offered me any. And, I never got that practice of actually saying "no." So, I say yes to everything! Yes! I can do it! Sure! Why not?!
I am going to regress. I'm going back to those "just say no!" days.
Regina, do you want to … ?????
Friday, April 03, 2009
hello blog
My life, as usual, is a never-ending battle of tasks. My sanity lies somewhere in the middle of the whirlpool.
So last night was my son's first program. The kindergarten and first grade classes performed about seven songs in the middle school's gymnasium.
I must say it does something to a mom's heart watching her child in a group of his peers. Standing alone from his family, already more independent than a mere nine months ago.
Thankfully, he is quick to show his youth and continued need for his mother, if only for a little longer.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My mom the rockstar
Uh-oh! Instead of canceling my Valentine date, my mom shooed me away for the weekend while she washed both clothes and Jared numerous times. Sunday she took him to the doctor and learned he has a bad ear infection and is short one ear tube.
Then Monday and Tuesday, she kept him so I could continue to pound away on my relentless schedule.
As if I don't already owe this woman a huge debt of gratitude for giving me life and all. I know she's tired, and she always works hard. But, she's always right there to save the day. I guess being a mom is really a forever thing.
So today, I am just extremely thankful for mine.
By the way, I want to also note that my dad pitched in, too. And my sister Jenny whisked Jacob away from the barfy times at grandma's to fun and games at her place.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Imagine being able to tell the creator of the universe that you wanted to walk on water, and then hear him say, "well, are you coming or not?" (yeah, it's my paraphrase, check it out for yourself)
As Peter started out, he was doing it. He was walking on water. But like so many of us, he let the "noise" of the world slip between him and the sight of Jesus.
Ooops. Game over. Of course, despite his lapse, Jesus was right there by his side to save him.
Do you have a direct line of sight on the Savior? Or like me, do you need to continually ask for it and seek it?